Can We Be Strangers? Episodes 1 & 2 R KDRAMA

I’m digging the hell out of this drama. Jang Mi’s character is quirky, zaney, devoted and believable. There’s no “damsel in distress” syndrome going on with her. Someone rings his doorbell frantically, but instead of Mom as he expected, it’s a drunk Jang-mi bringing ramyun.

Then setup for a quick meeting for granda and Hari’s parents. Then after that, a quick bonding montage again of Hari and Grandpa. This would have been much more in keeping with the tone of the show. Especially, if they all ending up resolving everything at the chicken shop because grandpa did say he wanted to sit down to enjoy chicken with his in-laws. We will be implementing an extended moratorium on posts about A Business Proposal in accordance with our Rules on recently aired dramas. Please stay tuned for the coming weeks as it will be released sometime during this drama’s run.

Ki-tae remembers that today is her court date. Ki-tae says he’s interfering this time for Jang-mi’s benefit, and she scoffs that she knows she’s hit rock bottom right now, “But I can’t be clean and cool and polite like you people! ” I love how the words are positive but she says them like insults. She cries that she has to see the person she wants to see and say the things she wants to say—it may be messy, but that’s the right thing to do. Mom and Aunt watch the whole scene unfold and jump to the conclusion that Jang-mi was the other woman Ki-tae had up in the hotel room, and Mom finds her crying down the street.

Jang-mi gets a text that suddenly sends her reaching for a bottle of soju, and to her parents’ shock, she downs the whole bottle in one go. She shows up at Hoon-dong’s restaurant drunk, and gulps down another beer. Hoon-dong still isn’t answering any of Jang-mi’s calls, and she wistfully remembers the good times when they were first starting out.

Our Blues Episode 6 Recap: Seon-a flees Seoul and returns to Jeju island after a broken marriage

She seemed to be going down a path of noble idiocy and I did not like it but then the real ending happened and I was somewhat appeased. Let’s get these kids together, make up with the parents and wrap things up nicely. No more misunderstandings are necessary. So, this weekend was quite precarious for me. As I mentioned in the last recap, this weekend left me with the serous desire to punch everyone involved in the face.

Watch Marriage, Not Dating [S01E06] – Me, Who Looks Alone, Isn’t Alone, But Seems Alone Full Online Soap2day

Each episode seems to uncover more layers of each person, they are not just static robots playing roles that never change. Every episode the mom gets revealed more and more, and with each episode she seems more vulnerable. I highly suspect that mom does not really dislike JM – she is jealous how JM can be so free wheeling while she keeps everything bottled up for appearances sake. Had no one to talk to about how awesome this drama is so thank you thank you thank you girlfriday and lollypip. Even Hoon-dong, who could’ve just been a simplistic villain, is given some dimension.

Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) episode 6 recap – Park Hae-ryun reveals his affair

See for more information. I love Kdramas for the entertainment value but I don’t know how long I can hang in with this one. It feels too toxic in its treatment of women. The manipulation, victim blaming and lack of respect for boundaries is strong with this one. I totally agree with @missvictrix that movies feel too short now that I have experienced dramaland.

His tear got me because he is still human and this is also what the drama is about. We all wanted to see the punishment he deserved but I think it wouldn’t have been enough anyway. Despite some of these things I consider to be the shows flaws, it was a pleasure to witness it. My Wednesdays and Thursdays now have a gaping hole with nothing to look forward to on these days.

Youngdo knows very well the pain of losing someone you loved. He lost his mom (i assumed, probably due to severe depression) after his brother died. He also once had a patient died after poisoning herself following the death of her baby when he was an intern which eventually end up the reason he became a psychiatrist. Him, knowing the possibility of him may not going to live long, those past experiences definitely left an impact.

The ending doesn’t match the writing and style from most of the episodes. Overall still a very very good drama that I didn’t want to end but I am satisfied. My Mondays and Tuesdays are now back to being the days I look forward to the least. I found the SL couple far more engaging than the primary couple which is problematic. And—this may be an unpopular opinion—the main couple sex scenes were unconvincing.

And of course, it’s always nice to see characters look like they’re actually enjoying kisses and skinship, whoo. This is like the first drama I’ve seen where we’ve got cross-kissing going all over the place. I always hate that in dramas, the male leads tend to be the ones who get to kiss more than one person, so I like that Jang-mi is like a regular person who kisses more than one guy. And I don’t love her any less for that.

Please heavens above, make this a reality. When a drama really nails the second half and the ending, it’s a major, major accomplishment. Grandpa would be happy to join Hari’s Dad at the chicken restaurant chatting on Geumhee, and he can have a meeting with Youngseo’s dad regarding his second grandson. As for Young Seo’s dad, I don’t mind if he didn’t show up again. I see Young Seo’s decision to resign is also telling his dad that she’s permanently cutting him off.

The power dynamic is slightly different when it’s a woman with a man, but I’m not excluding that case. I’m saying that the majority of cases are men raping women. And in most cases the point of it is power over the victim, not for sex. Also as an aside, in most of those cases, there is an argument that many of those men also feature sexual dysfunction.

It is pretty funny, love both leads but I have some doubts about legal knowledge of writer. Otherwise why even there is doctor-patient confidentiality if someone can reveal it so easily. I think it would’ve been nice to see Young Seo’s business thriving and maybe some kind of resolution with her cousin. Also not necessary but I thought we’d get more of a heart-to-heart moment with Ha Ri and Ha Min. His character didn’t really have a point and I feel like it was a missed opportunity to give him a little depth.