Some blended courses may be offered as “Pirate Patch” courses in which the face-to-face portion of the blended course is facilitated by an instructor who engages face-to-face with students at a host site, and via synchronous web conference with students at a remote site. For students participating at the remote site, the class is considered distance learning. Students at remote sites should contact their Campus Center Director to determine if the “Pirate Patch” course will meet the in-residence requirements for VA benefits.
These courses will be identified as blended courses and Pirate Patch courses in the class schedule so that students will be aware of the delivery format; student participation in both components of the course is required. All courses offered are defined in the Park University Undergraduate catalog, and there is no indicator on the transcript as to the delivery method or location of the course delivered. A student in good academic standing may take up to nine (9) credit hours per term in face-to-face, online, or blended classes without obtaining approval for an overload. All Park University courses count toward residency and contain the same content rigor no matter the instructional format.
Online Courses
Courses offered online are from the current Park University catalog and are taught in an eight-week format, five (5) terms per year. Students may register for online courses any term during their Park University career. The courses offered will supplement the traditional classroom or complete a degree online. Up to nine (9) credit hours per term may be taken online without getting prior written approval for an overload; international nonimmigrant students may not enroll in more than three (3) online credit hours per 16-week semester. All Park University online courses will count toward residency. Park University prides itself on the quality of its courses in all modes of instruction.
During the term, online classroom contact with the instructor must be made on a weekly basis for assignments and online interaction within the Learning Management System (LMS). Syllabi for online courses are available online according to University-wide assessment procedures. Online courses contain the same click this over here now core assessment and learning outcomes as Parkville campus courses. Students will find instructor contact information in the course syllabus.
The student must have his/her own access to the Internet. Additional information about online courses pus Centers and Online Learning section of the University website –
Summer Courses
The Parkville Daytime Campus Center offers a variety of on-campus programs during the summer semester/terms. The Parkville Daytime Campus Center program, offers two, four and eight week sessions. These programs provide an opportunity for students to accumulate a maximum of fifteen credit hours over the entire summer program, provided a student meets the course overload requirements. Additionally, these summer programs are available to those students from other colleges or universities who are home on vacation and wish to accumulate additional credits during vacation time. For additional information concerning summer programs, please visit
Remote Proctoring
Park University has instituted remote virtual pr for online students only in certain classes (not all Park online courses require proctoring – check the course’s syllabus for requirements). Final exams in these designated courses (see: are taken online under the virtual supervision of the ProctorU during a specific window of time set in the course modules. Students will need both to register with Pr with ProctorU at least 72 hours ahead of time.
ProctorU creates an academic record for each test-taker that is handled with the strictest adherence to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (see: guidelines. All of ProctorU proctors are required to complete FERPA training and ProctorU was successfully audited for FERPA compliance by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) (see: